Publish Resume

After completing your resume, you can publish your personalized resume by clicking "Publish" in the upper-right corner on the resume editor screen, and privacy settings can be adjusted accordingly.

When the "Publish" button becomes "Share", the publication process has been completed successfully.

Once you click "Publish", a pop-up window will appear. Click "Confirm" to continue publishing your resume.

When the "Publish" button change to "Share" button, that means the publishing process has been successful. 

Unpublish Resume

Select the resume you would like to unpublish and click unpublish 05____.pngfrom the list in the lower-right corner.

(After you unpublish it, people with the link will not be able to access the resume.)

After that, you will be asked to confirm whether you really want to cancel publishing your resume. Then type "UNPUBLISH" in the column provided. Click "Unpublish" button to save the changes.